Investing in the Univex G-PEELER is worth every penny. Not only does it have a durable build, it comes with a user-friendly design. These features empower it to handle even the toughest of vegetables. Customers have used it on potatoes, carrots, parsnips, shellfish, and small fish. Talk about versatility!
The G-PEELER electric vegetable peeler is completely portable and comes standard with a 115-volt electrical hookup. This is often standard so you can plug it in practically anywhere for use. It has a precision timer that automatically shuts the unit off as desired to prevent unintentional peeling. Overpeeling can result in loss of product and revenue so this automatic feature comes in handy.
Mentioned earlier, the Univex countertop vegetable peeler has a durable build. Note that it is constructed of stainless steel, which is simple to maintain and long-lasting. The extended discharge tube minimizes splashing, reducing clean time. The cover is corrosion resistant.
Included with the G-PEELER is a sturdy peeling disc and flexible water inlet hose. It comes standard with a 1-year on-site parts and labor warranty for increased security and peace of mind.
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301 North St.
Bluefield, WV 24701