Unlike competing models, the Hamilton Beach HCJ967 electric juicer fills a glass with juice in less than 30 seconds! This quick efficiency is made possible with its induction motor and three reinforced reamers. With this type of power, you could normally expect a loud motor. This isn't the case with Hamilton Beach's HCJ967. Its motor is exceptionally quiet, making it perfect for in-front-of-house applications.
The HCJ967 features a push button on/off switch, an extra tall open spout, and ABS strainer.
Another notable feature is its construction. The housing is heavy-duty metal. The removable juice bowl is durable stainless steel. The base is acid-resistant cast aluminum. For those of you who have dealt with commercial kitchen equipment before, you know how important these materials can be in ensuring the integrity of electric juicers for years to come.
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Bluefield, WV 24701